Tech Neck

Physical Therapy for Desk Workers: Combating ‘Tech Neck’ and More

Modern technology has done some amazing things for our society. We are more connected than ever before, with instant access to more information than previous generations could have imagined. Technology has changed the way we live, the way we communicate, and the way we work.  Of course, not every change is an improvement.  One of the unfortunate effects of our current information age is a drastic increase in sedentary living.

Physical Therapy

DIY vs. Professional Physical Therapy: When to Seek Expert Help

From car repairs to plumbing problems, people are now trying their hands at many things that used to be left almost exclusively to professionals. With so many do-it-yourself resources available, people can quickly learn how to perform tasks that they otherwise may not have even considered. Just pull up a step-by-step walkthrough online, or watch a YouTube or TikTok video.

Sports Injuries

Preventing Common Sports Injuries Before They Happen

Sports can be a great part of an active, healthy lifestyle, but injuries can sideline even the most careful athlete. Fortunately, many common sports injuries – such as strains, sprains, and overuse issues – can be prevented. A combination of proper warm-ups, strength training, good technique, and adequate recovery can help keep your body strong and injury-free.


New Year, Stronger You: 5 Simple Exercises to Help You Start 2025 Right

The beginning of a new calendar year is often full of optimism and hope, as many of us resolve to live better and improve our lives over the next year. A common resolution is to improve our exercise habits and health. Unfortunately, many times these resolutions will be short-lived or unfulfilled altogether. So, as we turn the page on 2024 and make our way into another new year,


Joint Health in Aging: Physical Therapy’s Role in Managing Osteoarthritis

Our bodies can present many different challenges as we age, including joints that become stiffer and less flexible. Aging joint cartilage can become thinner, ligaments can shorten and become less flexible, and loss of muscle strength can put extra pressure on your joints. As a result, joints can feel stiff and uncomfortable. This discomfort can be even greater in individuals dealing with osteoarthritis.


Prehabilitation: How Starting Physical Therapy Before Surgery Can Lead to Better Outcomes

There’s a growing trend in the world of physical therapy. Many patients that are soon to undergo surgery are opting for a pre-surgical healthcare intervention intended to reduce complications and enhance post-surgical recovery. This intervention is known as preoperative rehabilitation, or prehabilitation (prehab if you’re really into brevity). The proponents of prehabilitation cite its many perceived benefits and low risk (for most people),

Frozen Shoulder

Defrost the Pain: Why Physical Therapy is the Key to Treating Frozen Shoulder

As if aging didn’t present enough challenges, 2-5% of us will eventually experience a painful condition known as “frozen shoulder”. Also known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is an inflammatory condition that causes stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint, and significantly reduces range of motion. Frozen shoulder typically affects people 40 and older and is more likely to occur in women.

Knee Pain

3 Simple Exercises You Can Do at Home for Knee Pain

Knee pain is a common issue that can affect people of all ages and lifestyles – from athletes to people just going about their daily activities. Whether caused by injury, overuse, or underlying conditions like arthritis, knee pain can significantly impact your mobility and quality of life. The good news is you don’t always need medications or invasive treatments for relief.