Preventing Falls

Leaves Are Supposed to Fall, People Aren’t!

Tis’ the Season, for Fall Prevention Week! Falls threaten a senior’s safety and independence and a majority of them happen in your own home. Don’t worry! With these helpful tips and suggestions, you’ll be sitting next to a fire with your grandchildren instead of them sitting next to you in a hospital bed recovering from a fall that could have been prevented.

Move It!


The best medicine is ole reliable. Get up and move! Back pain is one of the most common problems and has been moving up in the ranking since 1990. Why do you ask? Because when people feel pain, their first action is to lay down and rest. Although that would be the case for someone with a sprained ankle,

Better Hearing & Speech Month

Each May, Better Hearing & Speech Month (BHSM) gives us an opportunity to raise awareness about communication disorders. This month is the perfect time to shine a spotlight on speech and hearing issues as well as evaluate our communication capabilities. Speech and hearing disorders often go unnoticed due to fear of being singled out or a lack of knowledge.

Move More Month: Easy Ways to Get Moving in the Workplace

April, also known as Move More Month by the American Heart Association, is an opportunity to study personal habits and work to incorporate additional daily activity.

According to the AHA, most adults spend the majority of their waking hours at work and find themselves with little time or energy left at the end of the day to exercise or get moving.

Occupational Therapy – What Is It?

Occupational Therapy focuses on treating patients who are recovering from a range of ailments, teaching them how to adapt and live life to the fullest. These ailments can be physical, mental, developmental, and emotional, impacting a person’s ability to perform daily activities at any age.

Occupational therapists typically work with patients who display:

  • Birth Injuries or birth defects
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Traumatic injuries to the brain or the spinal cord
  • Autism &

Physical Therapy for Pelvic Pain

What Causes Pelvic Pain?

Dysfunction and pain in the pelvis may have many origins and can result from a combination of factors. Each organ and joint may produce a specific pattern of pain or vague pelvic discomfort. In order to to rule out systemic causes or potential problems with the organs,

Physical Therapy Vs. Pain Medication

In 2014, over 2 million Americans were reported as being addicted to prescription pain medication. On top of that, almost 50,000 people actually die annually from an opioid overdose. In fact, in 2019 drug overdose was a leading cause of injury-related death in the United States. Each year, the opioid death rate just grows higher.

“Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy: What is it? Why do I have it? Anything else to try?” by Dr. Catherine Christenson Family Nurse Practitioner

What is Peripheral Neuropathy?

Damage to peripheral nerves that interferes with vital connections from the brain,  distorting and interrupting messages to the body.

What are peripheral nerves?

Nerves that are outside the brain and spinal column. The damage to the peripheral nerves can be from inflammation,

Maximizing Therapy with a Healthy Diet

American medicine has become reactive as opposed to proactive.  It is important for you to be your own advocate and take necessary steps to prevent injuries and surgeries. How we fuel our bodies affects our ability to heal and recover from trauma, broken bones, soft tissue injuries or surgeries. We all know the importance of a healthy diet and exercise,